February 23, 2005

Who The Hell Are You??? Find Out Now!!!



So find out who you are off of Napoleon Dynamite and Lord Of The Rings.

I was Pippin from LOTR and Tator Tots from Napoleon... what the fuck??

February 05, 2005

Funny Shit

anybody know any funny stories or shit like that...? if so, post that shit...

So earlier in the year I was in Mr. Bremer's class and he somehow got into the subject that his parents fought a lot and shit and they always argued a lot and shit when he was a young kid and shit. So he says to us..."One night I woke up because my parents were going at it hard..." -- he meant they were arguing hardcore style, but it was some hilarious shit

heh heh...funny shit funny shit

By the way...
How many shits do you count in this post?


Alpaca's are practicaly my favorite animal, they are like a mix between a camel and a... LLAMA!!! Yes a llama, so when I am older and maybe graduate from high school in 5 years I am going to start an alpaca farm. If anyone knows how to get alpaca's let me know.


February 03, 2005


I have 1 bathroom in my house... I have to pee really really fucking bad and my little sister is taking a bath. This blow's balls and I can't hold it much longer. AGH.... ok nevermind im good... TEE HEE