January 22, 2005

Halo 2 Online

hey....i got Halo 2 online and so does Conna!!!, and we are working on getting an account for my other friend Rusty!!!, so if anybody out there that plays Halo 2 online wants to get smoked by us three, just make a post and we will get each other's gamertags and then we will play ya.....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i could smoke all u guys in halo 2, im just that dang good... so if u ever wanna play just call me, u know my number... but u wont cause your a pussy korey and connor

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm....i checked out ur site "Sdog"....i just kept clicking on Next Blog until i got to this site and saw ur post....ur site is fucking gay as shit so go suck on Doug's cock....u stupid cocksmoker....

6:08 PM  
Blogger B.S. said...


search me, fear me.

ph34r n00bs.

10:49 PM  

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