March 11, 2005

My Burday!!!

Today ace my burday!...............and my brudder's too!...............YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY..................


Blogger RustShack said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!... or should I say "burday" you fag.

Tee Hee

I LOVE YOU KOREY (in a non-gay or sexual way)

10:42 PM  
Blogger RustShack said...

March 11, what a day to be born, JANUARY 27 IS WAY BETTER... yessssssss

10:44 PM  
Blogger Flail said...

Abby is obviously not capable of posting things on the internet, and should be thusly banned. Oh yeah, and stfu, nobody likes you or your crappy birthday. Just fuckin with ya, lots of people like march 11. Buuuuuuurnnnnn.

12:03 AM  

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